luo yan

The fearless god of “unrelenting justice”, Yanluo Wang, has found an appropriate avatar in this incorruptible ex-police officer.

Luo Yan has a raft of special abilities to target both sides’ HP levels.
Fate damages the enemy team, reduces their Max HP, and has a chance of inflicting Diseased.
Life confers a Recovery and ATK Up buff on allies and also resets the HP of any ally to take damage between whenever Life is cast and the end of the turn.

Point War
Recommended sets
Ocean Waves Set x4
Grants a 30% chance of reducing all ability cooldowns by 1 turn after an ability is used.
Wind Walker Set x4
+25% SPD
Apollo’s Bow Set x2
+25% ACC.
Master Grove Set x2
+25% HP
Recommended relic stats
HP% / DEF%
HP% / DEF% / ACC
Divine Gate 1 | Fate – Overload | Fate: Final Damage +10%. |
Divine Gate 2 | Divine Resilience | When attacked by a critical hit, damage -12%. |
Divine Gate 3 | Blessing | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 15%. |
Divine Gate 4 | Accurate Aim | When the target is not buffed, Luo Yan’s Miss Rate -25%. |
Divine Gate 5 | Aura | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 20%. |
Divine Gate 6 | Life – Morph | New Effect – Life: Gains Death Tome for 2 turns. |

Deals damage equal to 120% of ATK to an enemy while healing whichever ally has the least health for 50% of damage dealt in this attack.
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 110%
Lvl 3 Healing amount increased to 40%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 120%
Lvl 5 Healing amount increased to 50%

Marks a teammate with Death Tome for 2 turns, and grants them Recovery and ATK Up for 2 turns. After the Death Tome expires, if the teammate has lost some HP during the 2 turns, then restores the lost HP; If they have died, then revive them with 30% HP remaining.
Cooldown: 3 turns
Lvl 2 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn(s)

Deals damage equal to 110% of ATK to all enemies and reduces their HP ceiling by 30% with a(n) 70% chance to inflict Diseased for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 4 turns
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 105%
Lvl 3 Chance to trigger increased to 60%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 110%
Lvl 5 Chance to trigger increased to 70%
Lvl 6 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn(s)

Captain Ability
During Point Wars, all allied Esper’s RESIST increases 40%.
how do i pass his exam ;-; teammate keeps dying !!
Hmm he has no teammate in the exam. Can you post the screenshot please?
He has, 1st round use his Heal on teammate, then use his ult, use basic attack to kill Projecta Yarnsa. If other Projecta will attack you (you can kill other enemy and end exam) btw after killing first Proejcta its 50/50 (she can attack u or your teammate)
You’re welcome
So sorry! My bad! I have just checked it once again!
u use rez on teammate,ult and basic attack on either of the front enemys. If they target you just use your teammates abilitie to heal luo and he can rez teamate.
You forgot to put the text for his 2nd skill after ascension.
it can also revive
Nice! Thank you a lot!