
This young man nurses his pain under the cover of anonymity and the protective eyes of Osiris.

Ollie is a fighter Esper with support abilities, capable of preventing allies from dying.
Hookstrike deals damage to an enemy and has a chance of inflicting Silence on them. Salvific Judgements prevents an ally from dying when they take a fatal hit, granting Invincibility and Recovery; then casts Law of Duat on the attacker. Law of Duat deals massive damage to an enemy based on their max HP and the caster’s ATK while inflicting DEF Down and Taunt. After ascension, this skill also grants Invincibility to the caster.

Point War
Recommended sets
Hades Set x4
35% of damage dealt is used to regenerate HP.
Ocean Waves Set x4
Grants a 30% chance of reducing all ability cooldowns by 1 turn after an ability is used.
Apollo’s Bow Set x2
+25% ACC.
Master Grove Set x2
+25% HP
Recommended relic stats
HP% / DEF%
HP% / DEF%
Divine Gate 1 | Law of Duat – Overload | Law of Duat: Final Damage +10%. |
Divine Gate 2 | Salvific Judgments (Passive) – Morph | Change – Salvific Judgments (Passive): Invincibility and Recovery extended to 2 turns. |
Divine Gate 3 | Blessing | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 15%. |
Divine Gate 4 | Rock Solid | Damage Taken -20% (expires upon gaining a turn for the first time in combat). |
Divine Gate 5 | Aura | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 20%. |
Divine Gate 6 | Law of Duat – Morph | New Effect – Law of Duat: Upon a Crit, Salvific Judgments (Passive) Cooldown -1 turn. |

Deals damage to an enemy equal to 120% of ATK with an 80% chance of inflicting Silence for 1 turn.
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 105%
Lvl 3 Damage increased to 110%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 115%
Lvl 5 Damage increased to 120%

Salvific Judgements
Passive: When an allied Esper takes a fatal hit, grants Salvific Judgements to prevent them from dying, as well as Invincibility and Recovery for 1 turn, and casts Law of Duat on the attacker.
Cooldown: 9 turns.
LvI 2 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
LvI 3 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Lvl 4 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
LvI 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn

Law of Duat
Deals damage to an enemy equal to 200% of ATK plus a portion of the target’s Max HP.
Inflicts DEF Down for 2 turns and Taunt for 1 turn.
Ascension: Inflicts DEF Down and Taunt to them while granting the caster Invincibility for 1 turn.
Cooldown: 5 turns.
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 180%
Lvl 3 Damage increased to 190%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 200%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn

Captain Ability
Increases ally SPD by 25%.
I’m looking at his abilities in game right now, it says Salvific Judgements has a cooldown of 9 turns, not 5.
5 is when it is maxed. I have updated the information. Thank you!
is really better with that relics than dmg and crit probability?
Yes, he is like a support more. Not sure why the dev labeled him as “Fighter”
I feel like Ocean Waves Set feels better for him in a normal comp. Without healers though, Hades is required.
That’s a great recommendation! Thank you so much!
Why on youtube people say he is SS tier for krono, because since people can’t die, kronos can’t proc his second skill.. 😛
That’s a good in theory but later your Espers pretty much cannot die when fighting Kronos.
I tried it already, and the bonus turn procs even thought the kill is blocked, idk if it is a bug, but Kronos attacks again even if Ollie saves someone.
Ollie is actually S, good in almost everywhere, SS for every mode of pvp including Holobattle, S in cube, story and tower, viable in Kronos. Please, review your tier list.
There is no perfect tier list to be honest, that’s the average score we can give him.
Using him in Kronos is an overkill and not needed
Now ollie is a must have for kronos , basically an SS
My bad! Updated! Thank you a lot!
And how about the relics ? Hades or Ocean Waves as listed before, or Wind Walker ?