
The “Songstress of Miracles” who is guided by Scylla.

Meredith possesses powerful lifesteal and support abilities.
Hand of Scylla reduces 1 enemy’s HP and restores an equal amount of HP to all allies. After ascension, grants SPD Up to allies with 80% HP or higher. Sonic Venom inflicts Poison on 1 enemy, while Sonic Shield heals 1 ally and grants them DEF Up and CRIT RESIST.

Point War
Recommended sets
Wind Walker Set x4
+25% SPD
Wind Walker Set x4
+25% SPD
The Light Above Set x2
Begins the battle with Immunity, which lasts for 1 turn.
Master Grove Set x2
+25% HP
Recommended relic stats
Divine Gate 1 | Hand of Scylla – Remedy | Hand of Scylla: Final Healing +10%. |
Divine Gate 2 | Vital Edge | When the target’s HP is above 50%, damage +12%. |
Divine Gate 3 | Blessing | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 15%. |
Divine Gate 4 | Life Flux | When the target’s HP is below 40%, Healing +12%. |
Divine Gate 5 | Aura | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 20%. |
Divine Gate 6 | Hand of Scylla – Morph | New Effect – Hand of Scylla: 50% of this ability’s excess healing amount is converted into Shield that lasts for 2 turns. |

Sonic Venom
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Damage per hit: 40% ATK. 45% chance of dispelling 1 buff.
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 90%
Lvl 3 Trigger Chance increased to 60%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 100%
LvI 5 Trigger Chance increased to 70%

Sonic Shield
Recovers 20% max HP to 1 ally and grants DEF Up and Crit Resist to this ally for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 4 turns.
Lvl 2: Healing amount increased to 23%.
Lvl 3: Healing amount increased to 26%.
Lvl 4: Healing amount increased to 30%.
Lvl 5: Cooldown reduced by 1 turn.

Hand of Scylla
Attacks 1 enemy. Reduces their Max HP by 30%, up to 50% of Meredith’s Max HP.
If the target’s HP is greater than 80%, Ability Cooldown -1 turn.
Heals all allies. Healing: 25% damage dealt.
When healing overflows, grant Shield for 2 turns.
Shield Strength: 50% of overflow healing.
Grants all allies SPD Up for 2 turns.
If an ally’s HP is greater than 80%, grants them Recovery for 2 turns.
Final Healing +10%
Cooldown: 4 turns
Lvl 2: Max HP reduction increased to 23%
Lvl 3: Max HP reduction increased to 26%
Lvl 4: Max HP reduction increased to 30%
Lvl 5: Cooldown reduced by 1 turn.

Captain Ability
Increases ally SPD in Ritual Miracle, Sonic Miracle, Desolate Lands, and Sentinel Hunt by 25%
Shouldn’t she also be listed as healing as well?
Oh yes! Thank you a lot!