Xie Chuyi
Death Guard Hei

With Death Guard Hei’s powers, Xie will clear any obstacles in the way to create a chaotic world for his brother.

Xie Chuyi is a DPS Esper who can inflict Sear, reduce all enemy SPD, and increase his own C. RATE. Spirit Dispel allows Xie Chuyi to inflict Sear on the target, and his damage is further increased when Xie Yuzhi is present. Dead End slows all enemies. Upon ascension, he can deal massive damage to immobilized targets when Xie, Yuzhi is present. Netherworld Hurl increases his own C. RATE, and inflicts DEF Down while dealing multiple hits.

Point War
Recommended sets
Hammer of Thor Set x4
+40% C.DMG
War Machine Set x4
+30% ATK
Fiery Incandescence Set x2
+20% Crit Rate
Fiery Incandescence Set x2
+20% Crit Rate
Recommended relic stats
Divine Gate 1 | Netherworld Hurl – Overload | Netherworld Hurl: Final Damage +10%. |
Divine Gate 2 | Power Suppression | When at an elemental advantage, damage +12%. |
Divine Gate 3 | Blessing | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 15%. |
Divine Gate 4 | Field of Thorns | If attacking an enemy while not in Xie Chuyi’s turn, damage +12%. |
Divine Gate 5 | Aura | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 20%. |
Divine Gate 6 | Netherworld Hurl – Morph | Change – Netherworld Hurl: Target for C. RATE Up changed to all allies. |

Spirit Dispel
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit deals 60% ATK damage.
Each hit has a 40% chance of inflicting Sear for 2 turns.
While Xie Yuzhi is present, deals True Damage equal to 10% of the enemy’s max HP, up to 80% of Xie Chuyi’s max HP.
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 45%
Lvl 3 Damage increased to 50%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 55%
Lvl 5 Damage increased to 60%

Dead End
Attacks all enemies twice, each dealing damage equal to 45% of ATK, with a(n) 40% chance of inflicting SPD Down for 2 turns. If Xie Yuzhi is present, this ability deals 2 additional attacks with the same status effect applied.
Cooldown: 3 turns
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 40%
Lvl 3 Trigger Chance increased to 40%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 45%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn(s)

Netherworld Hurl
Gains C. RATE Up for 2 turns.
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Each hit deals 80% ATK damage.
Each hit inflicts DEF Down for 2 turns.
Calls Xie Yuzhi to assist with Heaven Awaits.
Cooldown: 3 turns
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 70%
Lvl 3 Damage increased to 75%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 80%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn(s)

Captain Ability
Increases ally C. RATE by 20%