If you are new to Dislyte, this is a quick tour of the game basic UI and buildings to help you get to know the game easier.
Dislyte Buildings

Most Espers you receive will come through Dislyte’s Gacha mechanism involving either the “Gold Record Player” or “Silver Record Player”.
Expending a Gold Record provides a chance of obtaining a random 3-5 Star Esper or, conversely, a 2-3 Star Esper with a Silver Record.
The Plaza
Here you can purchase Stamina, Gacha Tokens, extra Nexus Crystal, or Gift Packs. The game will be filling out the store with more items such as special Esper Skins soon, so stay tuned!
The Trials
Embark on different challenges here including against the Cube Miracle, Sonic Miracle, and Ritual Miracle. Stay tuned for a greater variety of different challenges to be added later!
Ritual Miracle: offers rare or high-star gear
Sonic Miracle: offers Ascension boosters.
Cube Miracle: offers valuable in-game resources.
The portal to Union Bounties is available from the left side of the Home Screen.
Signing in automatically confers 3 Mission Letters per day, one of which is used up when accepting a Bounty Mission.
The Atlas
This area gives you access to plenty of written and visual information on all the game’s Espers, including a list of Espers you have not yet acquired, ability descriptions, a breakdown of each Esper’s attributes, Esper models, and so on.

Point War
This is the game’s “PVP center”, where you can build your own Esper team to take part “Point War‘ and engage in non-real-time/asynchronous battles with other Espers.
Supply Vouchers won in battle can be redeemed here for valuable items in the Tournament Shop.
There are 2 basic kinds of missions in the mission system: “Training Courses” and “Quests”.
Training Courses will bring any new Espers up to speed and are designed to provide valuable insights into how to proceed through the world of Dislyte, the combat system, and growth objectives, and come in 3 categories: Basic, Advanced, and Master. Different Courses are provided based on Espers’ current level of advancement.
Quests occur regularly and come in a daily or weekly format. “Dailies” reset at 00:00 (UTC+0) daily, and “Weeklies” reset every Monday at 00:00 (UTC+0). Complete these Quests to earn Quest Points. You can claim a chest reward once enough points have been accumulated.