
This wandering doctor of the dark arts has inheritance much of Medjed’s malevolent powers.

Layla is a support Esper skilled in the art of both inflicting and transferring Poison.
Berserker Ray dispels a debuff from each Esper on her team and transfers any Poison currently affecting a friendly Esper to an enemy target, who is then further disadvantaged by a Diseased healing block debuff. Gaze of the True Gods launches a two-pronged assault against the entire enemy force with a chance of inflicting a DoT debuff.

Recommended sets
War Machine Set x4
+30% ATK
Hammer of Thor Set x4
+40% C.DMG
Incandescence Set x2
+20% Crit Rate
Incandescence Set x2
+20% Crit Rate
Recommended relic stats
HP% / DEF%
HP% / DEF% / ACC
HP% / DEF% / SPD
Divine Gate 1 | Berserker Ray – Overload | Berserker Ray: Final Damage +10%. |
Divine Gate 2 | Feral Retribution | When the target is Incapacitated, damage +10%. |
Divine Gate 3 | Blessing | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 10%. |
Divine Gate 4 | Defense Intrusion | When attacking, 16% chance of ignoring RESIST. |
Divine Gate 5 | Aura | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 10%. |
Divine Gate 6 | Covenant | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 15%. |

Fainting Lightwave
Deals damage equal to 120% of ATK to an enemy with a(n) 40% chance of inflicting Stun for 1 turn.
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 110%
Lvl 3 Chance to trigger increased to 35%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 120%
Lvl 5 Chance to trigger increased to 40%

Berserker Ray
Transfers 1 debuff from all team members to an enemy and then deals damage equal to 200% of ATK with a 75% chance of inflicting Diseased for 2 turns. This attack deals +100% bonus damage to targets inflicted with Poison.
Cooldown: 3 turns
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 190%
Lvl 3 Chance to trigger increased to 75%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 200%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn(s)

Gaze of the True Gods
Attacks all enemies twice, each dealing damage equal to 55% of ATK with a 100% chance of inflicting Poison for 3 turns.
Cooldown: 4 turns
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 50%
Lvl 3 Chance to trigger increased to 100%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 55%
Lvl 5 Cooldown reduced by 1 turn(s)
Captain Ability
She’s a fighter, not a support. Use War machine+Incandescence or Thor+Incandescence to deal high damage to enemies in pvp, using her a2. She has a 300% multiplier on her skill, use it.
You CAN play her as support but she simply isn’t valuable enough like that.
Great points. Thank you so much for sharing the information!