Below is the complete list of all basic attributes in Dislyte and the quick explanation of how they work, including AP, SPD, ACC, RESIST and more.
Hopefully this article helps you understand how the battle in-game works, what are the most important stats for your Espers/heroes, from there you can easily make the most of your teams when discovering the game, and become the winner!

Dislyte Basic Attributes (Stats)
- HP: All characters need at least 1 unit of Heal Point (HP) to stay alive and each blow received will probably diminish their HP by some amount. Once HP reaches zero, the character (or Miramon) dies.
- ATK: Attack generally determines how much damage a character deals with each successful strike against an enemy. Leaving damage modifiers to one side, the higher a given character’s ATK, then the more damage dealt per attack.
- DEF: Defense modifies the amount of damage dealt to a character successfully struck by an attack. Assuming no other special conditions, the higher a character’s DEF, then the less damage taken per hit.
- SPD: This is the Speed of your Espers. The higher Speed an Esper have, the faster he/she can take the next turn. Simple as that.
Read more: How SPD works - AP: Action Point. All Espers and Miramon receive an “Action Point bar”. When this AP bar reaches 100%, then their turn begins. Heroes have more SPD get the turn faster.
Read more: How AP works

- C. RATE: A character’s Crit Rate tells you how likely it is that a character’s attack will deal an unusually high amount of damage. The higher the C. RATE, then the more likely it is that your character will get the opportunity to land a so-called “critical hit” for massive damage.
- C. DMG: Crit Damage multiplier tells you just how much damage a character gets to deal with a “critical hit”.
- ACC: Accuracy determines how likely it is that a character’s debuff will successfully hit its target. The higher a character’s ACC, then the more likely it is a character will successfully deploy a control or other type of debuff. You want to have more ACC than the target’s RESIST.
Read more: How ACC works - RESIST: Resistance determines how likely it is that a debuff against a given character will fail or miss. In other words, the higher a character’s RESIST rating, then the more likely any attempt to control or otherwise apply a debuff to this character will fail. You want to have more RESIST than the attacker’s ACC to deal with their debuffs.
Read more: How RESIST works
Above are some of the most important stats in Dislyte, by simply understanding how they work, you can take a lot of advantage in the battles.
If you don’t fully understand our explanation, or still have some questions, feel free to make a comment down below and we will do our best to help you out!
what happen when a character with 100% acc tries to proc a debuff to a character with 100% resist?
That’s a very fascinating question and I will definitely want to test it out. But I believe that 100% ACC > 100% Resist
No. That’s not how it works. If you have 100% acc and I have 100% resist. I’ll have a better chance at resisting than you do landing debuffs. . Because I’ll always have a minimum of 20% resist. They built it that way to prevent 100% control
And to add to it. 100% resist nulls out that 100% acc. And the resist will revert back to 20%
That’s an interesting comment! Thank you!
Do stats increase with more characters of the same typing in a team?
No, there isn’t such feature at the moment. But hopefully we will see in soon in the future!
Does accuracy increase the percentage of activating pursuit on tang yun by any chance?
You need to increase her crit rate, which increases the chance of getting a Pursuit for her!
how many percentage of critical hits are effective in dislyte
We will make a guide for it soon but at the moment it’s best to aim for 70% rate if your hero benefits a lot from Crits!
I don’t understand the difference between SPD and AP. The way I read it, they effect the same thing.
AP = the current amount of Action Point you have. 100% AP = take the turn.
SPD = how fast you can again AP.
Read more:
The way I read it is the character with the highest AP goes next, but then AP resets for them when they go. Speed is how much AP they get every time someone takes a turn. Not 100 percent sure this is accurate, but it’s what I think.
AP- look at it as a bar between 0-100 once it reaches 100 you take your turn
Speed – determines how fast does the AP bar fill
That’s how it works!
SPD determines your AP over time.
The more SPD you have, the faster your AP fill up. When your esper’s AP are full, it is his turn.
So technically, if you keep reducing your enemy SPD, he will be slowed but he will still play at some point.
However, if you keep reducing or freeze his AP, he will never plays.
does anybody know the resist stats of kronos and other bosses
All are 20%
Why is it that I can attempt to stun someone, have it fail, and then attempt again only for it to succeed. Do resistance and accuracy affect the change of getting applying or dodging cc or is it the higher one always wins?
Hello, please take a look at this guide for more details:
What about healing efficacy? What does that do?
It’s the % of HP you can heal with a healing skill.
For example, a skill heals 30% of target’s maximum HP, so its healing efficacy is 30%.
what’s the difference between hp and bonus hp? I know that hp is counted as a full number and bonus is counted as a percentage but i still don’t know why.
Say you have 1,000 Base HP.
If the stat is +100 HP, your total amount of HP now is 1,000 + 100 = 1,100 HP.
If the stat is +50% HP, your total amount of HP now is 1,000 + 1,000 x 50% = 1,500 HP.
% stats are always better and recommended to obtain.
So how strong is defense really? How much does it reduce the damage you take?
We don’t have an accurate formula yet but keep in mind that sometimes the enemies can bypass your DEF, not your HP, and vice versa.
Quick question: assuming the character isn’t skewed towards HP or Defense (stuff like Bardon’s abilities scaling with DEF and whatnot), is it better to prioritize HP or DEF, as far as tankiness goes?
It really depends on the skill set tho. To Bardon, it’s DEF. In most cases, it’s HP.
How come a character with 100% crit fail to land crits?
Because if you hit an enemy that has elemental advantage on your character, you have a 50% increased chance of miss the target, that not only nulliefies the chance of that hit to be critical, but also reduces the damage of 25%. So be sure to hit the enemy using an elemental advantage!
Are healing skills affected by crit rate?
Does 100% crit rate mean that every hit is a crit?
Does crit damage stack on top of regular damage
If a hit is crit, it’s crit damage.
Do you know what the diminishing return is on Defense Stats?