Defeat the Windstriker inside Sonic Miracle to obtain Wind Wave, the ascension material for your Wind Espers!

Windstriker Boss Strategy
The poisonous Roaring Wave attack is no doubt the Windstriker’s most feared ability.
Windstriker applies constant pressure with repeated attacks to corrode and wear down Espers, which may be, followed up with a more damaging attack on infected targets via Poison Spread.
Support Espers with strong dispels and healing are, key to defeating a Windstriker.
Best Windstriker Team Formations
Below are the best team formations in the current meta-game. For the best Espers in general, kindly take a look at our Tier List.


Howling Pulse:
Damages an enemy once.

Poison Spread (Passive):
Deals greater damage to targets with Poison.

Roaring Wave:
Damages all enemies at once and inflicts Poison for 2 turns.
I’m using Hela (Catherine) to deal with the poison
That’s a good choice if you don’t have any decent Cleanse yet.