Clear stages and collect Solstice Snowflakes to decorate Gyrate with new holiday decorations, as well as get Nexus Crystal as the rewards!

How to Collect Snowflakes
- Stage Rewards: During the event, clear Event Stages, Ritual Miracle, Sonic Miracle, Desolate Lands, Story Stages, and other stages to get Solstice Snowflakes.
- Daily Gifts: Players can claim Solstice Snowflakes every day before 00:00 on the event screen. (Rewards that aren’t claimed by 00:00 will not be retained the next day.)
- Cumulative Rewards: Obtain the designated numbers of Solstice Snowflakes to claim collection progress rewards.
- Note: Players can get up to 500 Solstice Snowflakes from stages every day and up to 4,000 Solstice Snowflakes from stages over the entire event (Daily Gifts don’t count). Excess Solstice Snowflakes will be converted into Gold and returned via mail at the end of the event.

Use Snowflakes to Unlock Decorations
- On the event screen, players can select their favorite decoration, preview its effects, and consume the required number of Solstice Snowflakes to unlock it.
- After unlocking a decoration, players can claim a reward and apply the new decoration to their home screen.
- Note: After the event, the snow in Gyrate will melt and all Solstice Festival decorations will disappear. So, please enjoy the snowy scene while it lasts!