
It is Eira’s turn to shine thanks to Freya’s bountiful imbuement of celestial powers.

Eira is a support Esper endowed with AP-based control abilities.
A strike with Eira’s Seabreeze Sonata will damage the entire enemy team while inflicting an SPD down and AP reduction debuff. Divine Love dispels debuffs on an ally and grants a powerful protective enchantment, Brisingamen’s Watch. Any act by a teammate automatically grants the Brisingamen’s Watch bearer an AP bonus.

Point War
Recommended sets
Wind Walker Set x4
+25% SPD
Ocean Waves Set x4
Grants a 30% chance of reducing all ability cooldowns by 1 turn after an ability is used.
Apollo’s Bow Set x2
+25% ACC.
Apollo’s Bow Set x2
+25% ACC.
Recommended relic stats
HP% / DEF%
Divine Gate 1 | Seabreeze Sonata – Overload | Seabreeze Sonata: Final Damage +10%. |
Divine Gate 2 | Rock Solid | Damage Taken -18% (expires upon gaining a turn for the first time in combat). |
Divine Gate 3 | Blessing | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 15%. |
Divine Gate 4 | Hasty Action | If there is an ability on cooldown, SPD +18. |
Divine Gate 5 | Aura | Base ATK, Base DEF, and Base HP + 20%. |
Divine Gate 6 | Seabreeze Sonata – Morph | New Effect – Seabreeze Sonata: Grants Brisingamen’s Watch to 1 ally for 2 turns. |

Chords of Heron
Deals 120% ATK damage to an enemy target, with a 25% chance of gaining an extra turn.
Lvl 2 Damage increased to 105%
Lvl 3 Chance to trigger increased to 20%
Lvl 4 Damage increased to 110%
Lvl 5 Chance to trigger increased to 25%
Lvl 6 Damage increased to 120%

Divine Love
Purifies all debuffs from a teammate, reduces their Ability Cooldowns by 1 turn, and grants them Brisingamen’s Watch for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 3 turns
Brisingamen’s Watch: Grants 15% bonus AP at the end of each teammate’s turn. Cannot be debuffed.

Seabreeze Sonata
Deals damage to all enemies equal
to 120% of ATK, inflicting SPD Down for 2 turns and lowering AP by 30%. Also resets Divine Love’s cooldown.
Cooldown: 4 turns.
Lvl 2: Damage increased to 95%
Lvl 3: Damage increased to 100%
Lvl 4: Damage increased to 110%
Lvl 5: Damage increased to 120%
Lvl 6: Cooldown reduced by 1 turn
Enhanced at Ascension III

Captain Ability
All allied Espers’ ATK increases 24%.
The 3rd skill for Eira is supposed to be “Seabreeze Sonata” but this page has Fire Palm instead
Updated! Thank you a lot for the head up!
chords of heron LVL 3 = 20% & LVL 5 = 25% trigger chance
Thank you so much!