Dislyte Battlegrounds Event

Dislyte Battlegrounds is a very interesting event where players join a battleground-type of battle against 15 other players. The last standing is the winner.

Players will be grouped into different 2v2 battles against random opponents. Who wins the battles will be able to pick a relic or Esper as the rewards, which will be used for the next battles.

Player who wins the final battle, wins the “entire battle”.

All of the battles are auto, not manually taken.

Dislyte Battlegrounds Event

Dislyte Battlegrounds Rules

Battlegrounds is a multiplayer matchmaking competition. In each match, 16 players compete in a IVI format until the last player survives, and this player becomes the Apex Player.

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In Battlegrounds, the Star Rating, Level, Abilities, and Ascension Level of players’ Espers are maxed, but Resonance remains unchanged. During the event, players can temporarily switch Relic sets. The equipped Relics have designated attributes.

During the event, there are 5 Helper Espers for players to use every week.

Battlegrounds Combat Rules

Two players are matched together in a battle, and they can deploy Espers to create a formation.

Auto-battle is adopted the whole time.

Winners can choose runes as rewards and use them in the following battles.

If a battle has not ended even after the designated number of turns, the party that deals higher damage wins.

If a player loses, the battle ends and their ranking and rewards are calculated based on the number of remaining players.

Battlegrounds Reward Rules

Battlegrounds rewards contain Task Rewards and Glory Rewards. Greater Glory Rewards can be acquired by upgrading the Battle Pass to the Esper R-Pass.

Glory Tokens expire at the end of each Battlegrounds event.

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It does not say when this event starts

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