Dislyte Club (or Clan, Guild, Alliance, etc.) is the place where you can group with other peoples and together do the Club Tasks to earn a lot of rewards, paritipate in Holobattles, and get exclusive items from the Club Shop.

Managing a Dislyte Club
- The founder will automatically become the Clubmaster of their new Club and have the right to remove members, transfer the Clubmaster position and ‘appoint Deputy Clubmasters.
- Deputy Clubmasters can remove ordinary members.
- Both Clubmasters/Deputy Clubmasters can update Club announcements and send notifications to all Club members by mail.
- Clubmaster duties are automatically transferred to the Club’s most active member if any Clubmaster remains offline for more than 7 days.
How long do I need to wait after leaving a Club to join a new one?
Members to leave a Club will need to wait 24 hours before joining a new Club.
Club Events
- Club members can earn rewards and Club Points by participating in various Club activities. Club Points can be redeemed for items in the Club Shop.
- Certain Club events grant Activeness and Club XP. Club XP increases the Club’s level.

Club Levels
- Clubs initially start with a membership limit of 30, which gradually increases up to 50 members for Clubs at the highest level.
- High-level Clubs will gain access to special items from the Club Shop.
Club Level | Club Members Limit |
1 | 30 |
2-3 | 30 |
4-5 | 30 |
6-7 | 30 |
8-10 | 30 |
Update: Since patch v3.0.0, Club member limit is now 30.

Club Tasks
Daily Tasks
- Club members will gain access to 3 special Club, Tasks every day, but these tasks do not carry forward to the next day.
- Club members can complete Daily Club Tasks to obtain rewards and Club Points, as well as Activeness and Club XP.
Weekly Tasks
- All Club members will gain access to 1 special Weekly Club Task per week. All Club members will need to work together to complete the task, and each task will only be valid for that week.
- Club members who complete their Weekly Task together will gain access to special rewards and Club Points, and earn Activeness and Club XP.
- Club members to reach a certain threshold of Activeness each week will be entitled to another reward.
- Clubs’ Activeness resets every week.
- The top 3 Club members by Activeness over the last 7 days will be honored on a special leaderboard. Reward Overview Club members can obtain one full reward set per week, (a weekly reward and Activeness Tier rewards). These rewards can only be claimed once per week even in the event of a change in Club membership.

Help – Record Assist Corner
Wish Card Rules
- You can post 1 Wish Card daily. Once posted, the wish cannot be changed until it’s fulfilled.
- You can choose 1 Wish Card from Inferno, Flow, and Wind elemental classes to post.
Wish Assist Rules
- Obtain 3 corresponding Wish Stickers to redeem the Wish Card Reward.
- Members can donate Wish Stickers to each other to speed up wish fulfilment.
Wish Reward Rules
- Once your wish is fulfilled, tap on the posted Wish Card to claim rewards.
- Wish Rewards consist of 3 tiers. You can get a Record Fragment with the corresponding element on

Holobattle – Battle Stage
Sign-Up Rules
- Sign-Up Time: Every Sunday at 01 – Monday at (UTC+O)
- Each Club must have 10-30 participants who are Lvl 30 or higher.
- Club members can sign up for the event by setting up their defensive formations.
- If the Club doesn’t have 30 members signed up, Clubmaster and Deputy Clubmasters can select members to participate. Each Club must have at least 10 participants to qualify for Holobattle.
- When the sign-up stage ends, if 10 or more members participant, the Club successfully signs up and starts the wait for matchmaking. If the number of participants is below 10, the Club will drop out of this week’s event. If a Club has no online members for 5 days or more, the Club will drop out of next season’s event.
- Once the Club successfully signs up, all its participants will join three Holobattle matches. The Club can no longer change its participants during the battle stage.
- During Holobattle, Clubmasters and Deputy Clubmasters can edit their members’ combat permissions before the next battle starts. Participants who haven’t used any Holobattle Certificates throughout a season will be disqualified for the next season automatically.
Matching Rules
- Clubs will be matched with suitable opponents on Monday at 01 (UTC +0). Each match lasts 48 hours.
- A total of 3 matches take place each week, and the Club Score can fluctuate depending on match results.

Attack Rules
- Each match will grant participants 3 Holobattle Certificates. Participants can spend a Holobattle Certificate to attack any enemy Holopoint and win Holo Cup Score for their Clubs. The sooner they destroy a Holopoint, the more Holo Cup Score they earn.
- Fallen Espers in attacking formations can’t be used again in this match to attack enemy Holopoint.
- A player can’t attack the same enemy repeatedly.
Victory Rules
- The attacking Club wins a match upon reaching a certain Holo Cup Score threshold within 48 hours.
- The attacking Club loses a match if a certain Holo Cup Score threshold is not reached within 48 hours, and the enemy Club wins.
Reward Rules
- When the Club wins a match, its participants will obtain rewards based on their Holo Cup Score rankings for this match. Please note that only those who have earned points through attacking will be rewarded. If the Club loses a match, no rewards for this match will be issued.
- Once all 3 matches have finish, weekly results will be calculated, and participants will obtain their Club ranking rewards.

Holobattle Rankings & Rewards
Player Leaderboard
- Players are ranked based on the Holopoint Score they earned in a match, and score rankings will reset for each match.
- If players win a match, they will obtain rewards via mail based on the Player Leaderboard. Higher ranks grant more rewards.
- Players must personally earn points to be rewarded.
Club Leaderboard
- All participating Clubs will be ranked based on their Club Score once the Holobattle weekly results come out.
- All members of this Club, whether or not they have participated in this week’s Holobattle, will get the same rewards.

Club Shop
- Club members get to redeem Club Points for special items in the Club Shop.
- The kinds of items available in the Club Shop will improve based on the Club’s current level.
how do you invite specific people to the club? not on friends list or recommended.
At the moment, users can only join Clubs by themselves. So sorry!
My work-around is to add them to your friends list first. As a Club Leader you can invite anyone from your Friends List to join your club. Otherwise I don’t think there is any way to search and add specific people without them applying themselves.
How do I invite?
How do you leave a club?
Go to the Club Manager section.
How do i leave a guild?
Go to the Guild Manage section
I want to create a club but apparently, the name is already taken. However, when I search for the said name it says that the club does not exist. Any explanation as to why that’s happening?
Maybe that club is not available for searching at the moment.
Can I change who can join my club?
Yes, of course!
There’s a way to change the club name?
Bump.. can we please be allowed to do this without having to spend 500 currency and being locked for 24hrs to make a new club?
Adding another interest to this. Friend and I made a club thinking it would only be us two. Just convinced our friends to play and we want to change it. Kinda annoying to pay 500 then having to start all over. :/
How do I leave the club? Also before you say go to the club manager section, where’s that at exactly?
Club > Details > Club Info > Exit
If I leave a guild will my club shop points carry over?
No, so sorry!
Mine did
How does the club level up?
By having the Club members doing daily activities.
How do I change my guild ID?
There is no way to do that.
is there an online list I can see on my computer of all the clubs? So annoying to look for them in game.
That’s an interesting request! We might take a look at it!
I need help. Can there be more than one deputy clubmasters? Like I want to appoint 2 at the same time but I can’t tell if thats possible.
How can a clubmaster kick a clubmemeber?
Simply tap on the member name on the member list then choose Kick.
So the club level up information is a bit outdated now.
Can we have this page reflect what the patch notes introduced? I’ve seen a few people get a bit confused over why their membership limit hasn’t increased by level 4!
Thank you a lot! I forgot to add the new information!
I have just updated the page accordingly.
How do you level your club up?
By having members doing quests every day
My friend at my club said that his points are decreasing from a day to another, this is normal?
How do I remove a player from my club?
Go to the Club Details, tap on the player you want to Kick and then choose Kick.
how do I edit my defense formation please
So, I’m the guild master in my club but I want to leave, how can I do that?
Just transfer the guild ownership to another member!